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/ The Peacemaking Church Power Point Presentations / The Peacemaking Church - PowerPoint Presentations.iso

Document (7)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
1. Orientation Slides (45 min).ppt Power Point 21 350KB 2007-08-10
2. Student Handouts (45 min).doc Word Document 7 88MB 2007-08-10
3. Teaching Notes (45 min).doc Word Document 11 88MB 2007-08-10
4. Training Slides (150 min).ppt Power Point 40 746KB 2007-08-10
5. Student Handouts (150 min).doc Word Document 14 171MB 2007-08-10
6. Teaching Notes (150 min).doc Word Document 19 171MB 2007-08-10
7. Teaching Guide.doc Word Document 14 14MB 2007-08-10